why work with

Resume 4 Results usa?

Because we have one focus…
Helping you get more interviews.


Resumes 4 Results USA

We navigate the challenges of the job market with you. Your goals become our goals, and together, we'll make sure you shine in your interviews and get that next opportunity you deserve.

We work with all job seekers. We specialize in Resumes, LinkedIn makeovers, 1:1 Interview Coaching, professional bios, and career assessments. Let’s not sugarcoat it. It’s real work and you’re part of the team.

Glad to be on this journey with you and wishing you success in your interviews!

Roshael Hanna

Roshael Hanna. Resumes. LinkedIn Profiles, 1:1 Interview Coaching, Professional Bios, and Career Assessments.

See full bio…


Resumes 4 Results!
Interviews & Terrific Job Offers!